Could someone explain to me, why this is not a valid solution?
The exercise:
You are given an array with positive numbers and a number N. You should find the N-th power of the element in the array with the index N. If N is outside of the array, then return -1. Don't forget that the first element has the index 0.
Let's look at a few examples:
- array = [1, 2, 3, 4] and N = 2, then the result is 32 == 9;
- array = [1, 2, 3] and N = 3, but N is outside of the array, so the result is -1.
Input: Two arguments. An array as a list of integers and a number as a integer.
Output: The result as an integer.
The code:
result = -1
result = array[n] ** n
except IndexError:
result = -1
return result
I did run the text examples, and all of them was fine so why is this not accepted?
Created at: 2019/04/01 17:22; Updated at: 2019/04/03 17:28