Ground for the house
I would like to have some feedback ... couldn't figure out why it's not working.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0 import re def house(plan): #replace this for solution count = 0 flag = 0 flag1 = 0 flag2 = 0 flag3 = 0 flag4 = 0 x = [] y = [] list = plan.split('\n') print(list) for i in list: #collect a substring # print('first loop') count += 1 if'#',str(i))!= None: flag2 = 1 y.append(flag2) else: flag2 = 0 y.append(flag2) for j in i: #iterate over the substring # print('second loop') if j=='#': print('found #') flag = 1 #starting point of the house in the line x r_in = i.rindex('#') + 1 #ending point on the line x if flag==1: for k in range(r_in): flag1 += 1 x.append(flag1) # x line length flag1 = 0 break for l in y: if l==1: break flag3 += 1 for m in reversed(y): if m==1: break flag4 += 1 print('x') print(x) print('y') print(y) try: a = max(x) except ValueError: a = 0 print('count='+str(count)) print('flag3='+str(flag3)) print('flag4='+str(flag4)) b = count - flag3 - flag4 print('a='+str(a)) print('b='+str(b)) print('area='+str(a*b)) return a*b if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(house(''' 0000000 ##00##0 ######0 ##00##0 #0000#0 ''')) #These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing assert house(''' 0000000 ##00##0 ######0 ##00##0 #0000#0 ''') == 24 assert house('''0000000000 #000##000# ########## ##000000## 0000000000 ''') == 30 assert house('''0000 0000 #000 ''') == 1 assert house('''0000 0000 ''') == 0 assert house(''' 0##0 0000 #00# ''') == 12 assert house(''' 0000000000 000###0000 000####### 000###0000 ''') == 21 print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")