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First solution in Clear category for Xs and Os Referee by pavel.fasther
def checkio(game_result) -> str:
def check_if_win(line):
return True if (line[0] == line[1] == line[2] and "." not in line) else False
for line in game_result: # check lines
if check_if_win(line):
return line[0]
for column in zip(*game_result): # check columns - just rotated
if check_if_win(column):
return column[0]
if check_if_win([game_result[0][0], game_result[1][1], game_result[2][2]]) or check_if_win([game_result[0][2], game_result[1][1], game_result[2][0]]):
return game_result[1][1]
return "D"
Jan. 5, 2020