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Second solution that checks /../../../ solution in Creative category for URL Normalization by Pumba_UA
import re
def decode_percent_encoded(data):
char = chr(int(data.group()[1:], 16))
res = re.findall('[._a-zA-Z0-9~-]', char)
return data.group() if not res else res[0].lower()
def checkio(url):
url = url.lower()
url = re.sub(r':80$', '', url) # ':80' --> ''
url = re.sub(r':80\/', '/', url) # ':80/' --> '/'
url = re.sub(r'\/(\.\/)+', '/', url) # '/./././' --> '/'
url = re.sub(r'%[\w].', lambda pat: pat.group().upper(), url)
url = re.sub(r'%[\w].', decode_percent_encoded, url)
url = re.sub(r'\/[\w]*\/(\.\.)', '', url)
while '..' in url:
url = re.sub(r'\/[\w]*\/(\.\.)', '', url)
return url
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert checkio("Http://Www.Checkio.org") == \
"http://www.checkio.org", "1st rule"
assert checkio("http://www.checkio.org/%cc%b1bac") == \
"http://www.checkio.org/%CC%B1bac", "2nd rule"
assert checkio("http://www.checkio.org/task%5F%31") == \
"http://www.checkio.org/task_1", "3rd rule"
assert checkio("http://www.checkio.org:80/home/") == \
"http://www.checkio.org/home/", "4th rule"
assert checkio("http://www.checkio.org:8080/home/") == \
"http://www.checkio.org:8080/home/", "4th rule again"
assert checkio("http://www.checkio.org/task/./1/../2/././name") == \
"http://www.checkio.org/task/2/name", "5th rule"
print('First set of tests done')
Feb. 4, 2016