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[typed] Apply the rule and a simple reasoning solution in Clear category for Unruly by Phil15
from collections import Counter
from itertools import groupby
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple
ImmutableGrid = Tuple[str, ...]
MutableGrid = List[List[str]]
SWAP = {'W': 'B', 'B': 'W'}
def update(grid: MutableGrid, i: int, j: int, impossible_value: str) -> bool:
Use this when you know `impossible_value` can not be at `position`.
Update the grid IN-PLACE. Say if the grid really changed.
change = grid[i][j] == '.'
grid[i][j] = SWAP[impossible_value]
return change
def apply_rule(grid: MutableGrid) -> int:
Apply the rule on all empty cells:
'WW.' -> 'WWB' (in four directions)
'W.W' -> 'WBW' (in two directions)
changes = 0
nb_rows, nb_cols = len(grid), len(grid[0])
empty_cells = ((i, j) for i, row in enumerate(grid)
for j, cell in enumerate(row) if cell == '.')
for i, j in empty_cells:
# 1
# 1
# 33.44
# 2
# 2
for di, dj in ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)):
if 0 <= i + 2 * di < nb_rows and 0 <= j + 2 * dj < nb_cols:
if grid[i + di][j + dj] == grid[i + 2 * di][j + 2 * dj] != '.':
changes += update(grid, i, j, grid[i + di][j + dj])
# 2
# 1.1
# 2
for di, dj in ((0, 1), (1, 0)):
if di <= i < nb_rows - di and dj <= j < nb_cols - dj:
if grid[i - di][j - dj] == grid[i + di][j + dj] != '.':
changes += update(grid, i, j, grid[i + di][j + dj])
return changes
def reasoning(line: List[str], item: str) -> Optional[Set[int]]:
A line with only one 'B' to put in the line.
If there is a possible 'WWW', then 'B' must avoid it.
In this case, we can reduce possibilities where 'B' can be.
Same reasoning swapping 'B' and 'W'.
for not_item, _group in groupby(enumerate(line),
key=lambda x: x[1] != item):
group = list(_group)
if not_item and len(group) >= 3:
# len(group) <= 5 because a group of length 6 with one B? Then WWW!
if len(group) > 3:
# Eliminate places where we can not put the item in group.
# '..W.' with only one 'B', we can deduce some 'W':
# 'W.WW' ('BWWW' or 'WWWB' otherwise)
# [(1,'.'),(2,'.'),(3,'W'),(4,'.')], 'B') -> [(2,'.'),(3,'W')]
group = group[-3: 3]
return {i for i, _ in group} # Only keep indexes.
# No big group to reason with so `item` can be anywhere in the `line`.
def partly_complete_line(grid: MutableGrid) -> int:
Complete a line: 'BWWB.W' -> 'BWWBBW' ; 'BBWB..' -> 'BBWB..'.
Deduction: no remaining 'B' then all are 'W'.
Deduction in a part of a line: '..W.' with only one 'B' -> 'WBWW'.
changes = 0
for _type in ('row', 'column'):
lines = grid if _type == 'row' else zip(*grid)
for n, line in enumerate(lines):
d = Counter(line)
if not d['.']:
remains = {item: len(line) // 2 - d[item] for item in 'WB'}
for item in 'WB':
if remains[item] >= 2:
empty_cells = {k for k, elem in enumerate(line) if elem == '.'}
# if not remains[item] then all empty can not be `item`.
if remains[item]: # == 1
# Nearly all empty can not be `item`.
can_be_item = reasoning(line, item)
if can_be_item is None: # Sadly, `item` can be anywhere.
empty_cells -= can_be_item
changes += sum(
update(grid, *((n, k) if _type == 'row' else (k, n)), item)
for k in empty_cells)
return changes
def unruly(grid: ImmutableGrid) -> ImmutableGrid:
Complete the grid only by applying the rule and a reasoning on the lines.
my_grid: MutableGrid = [list(row) for row in grid]
for _ in range(2): # Only to solve faster.
while partly_complete_line(my_grid) + apply_rule(my_grid):
# No warranty it is entirely solved, but it is.
return tuple(''.join(row) for row in my_grid)
Feb. 2, 2020