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direct calculation solution in Clear category for Square Spiral by Sim0000
from math import sqrt
# calculate the coordinate of n
def coord(n):
if n == 1: return (0, 0)
r = int(sqrt(n - 1) - 1) // 2 + 1
g, d = divmod(n - (2*r-1)**2 - 1, 2*r)
return [(-r+d+1, r), (r, r-d-1), (r-d-1, -r), (-r, -r+d+1)][g]
def find_distance(first, second):
x1, y1 = coord(first)
x2, y2 = coord(second)
return abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1)
# At first, we determine ring which include n
# ring 0 : 1
# ring 1 : 2,3,...,9
# ring 2 : 10,11,...,25
# ring r : (2*r-1)**2+1,...,(2*r+1)**2
# Using following formula, we can calculate r from n.
# r = int((sqrt(n - 1) - 1) / 2) + 1
# Ring r have 8*r elements and start position is (-r+1, r).
# And another interesting position is follows.
# (-r, r) : left upper corner, n = (2*r-1)**2 + 8*r = (2*r+1)**2
# ( r, r) : right upper corner, n = (2*r-1)**2 + 2*r
# ( r, -r) : right lower corner, n = (2*r-1)**2 + 4*r
# (-r, -r) : left lower corner, n = (2*r-1)**2 + 6*r
# Second, I divide ring into 4 groups corresponding to the direction.
# Each group size is 2*r. The group 0 is the first 2*r elements of the ring
# and its direction is right, and so on.
# group 0 (dir = R) : n is from (2*r-1)**2 +1 to (2*r-1)**2+2*r
# group 1 (dir = D) : n is from (2*r-1)**2+2*r+1 to (2*r-1)**2+4*r
# group 2 (dir = L) : n is from (2*r-1)**2+4*r+1 to (2*r-1)**2+6*r
# group 3 (dir = U) : n is from (2*r-1)**2+6*r+1 to (2*r-1)**2+8*r
# Using following formula, we can calculate group number g from n, r.
# g = int((n - (2*r-1)**2 - 1) / (2*r)
# Finally, using above information, we will calulate the coordinate of n.
# When n belongs to group 0 of ring r, then the coordinate of n is
# (-r+1 + d, r), where d means n is the d-th elements of the group.
# As well, we can calculate for another groups.
# group 0 : (-r+1+d, r)
# group 1 : (r, r-1+d)
# group 2 : (r-1-d, r)
# group 3 : (-r, -r+d+1)
May 28, 2014