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A*, Empirically Improved Heuristic solution in Clear category for The Shortest Knight's Path by PositronicLlama
Determine the most efficient knight's path.
import collections
import heapq
import itertools
import re
RE_CHESS_COORD = re.compile('^([a-h])([1-8])$')
# The edge length of a chess board.
# The number of squares on a chess board.
# Store prev so we could reconstruct the path (even though it is not necessary)
Cell = collections.namedtuple('Cell', ['dist', 'prev'])
Move = collections.namedtuple('Move', ['dist', 'loc'])
def index(x, y):
"""The cell index into a chess board stored as an array."""
return x + BOARD_LEN * y
def chess_coordinate(loc):
Convert a chess location into cartesian coordinates.
Examples: a1 -> (0, 0)
c2 -> (2, 1)
h8 -> (7, 7)
m = RE_CHESS_COORD.match(loc)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Invalid chess location: {}".format(loc))
return (ord(m.group(1)) - ord('a'), ord(m.group(2)) - ord('1'))
def knight_moves_gen(x, y):
Iterator of possible knight moves from (x, y).
return itertools.chain(
itertools.product((x - 1, x + 1), (y + 2, y - 2)),
itertools.product((x - 2, x + 2), (y + 1, y - 1)))
def manhattan_distance(a, b):
"""Return the manhattan distance between coordinate tuples a and b."""
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1])
def dist_heuristic(a, b):
"""Return a heuristic for knight move distance."""
# In order to be admissable, the heuristic must not overestimate the
# distance. This heuristic is inadmissable over long distances, but
# significantly reduces the number of moves that must be explored.
dist = manhattan_distance(a, b)
if dist == 0:
return 0 # At the goal
elif dist <= 2:
return 2 # Exactly two away
elif dist == 3 and a[0] != b[0] and a[1] != b[1]:
return 1 # Exactly three away and not in a line
return dist
def push_location(open, board, dist, loc, prev, goal):
Push a new location onto the open list.
open: The open list
board: The board so far
dist: The number of moves so far
loc: The current location
prev: The previous location
goal: The goal location
if 0 <= loc[0] < BOARD_LEN and 0 <= loc[1] < BOARD_LEN:
ix = index(*loc)
if board[ix] is None or board[ix].dist > dist:
board[ix] = Cell(dist, prev)
estimated_remaining = dist_heuristic(loc, goal)
heapq.heappush(open, Move(dist + estimated_remaining, loc))
def shortest_knight_move_dist(begin, end):
Return the shortest knight move length from begin to end.
# Use A*
board = [None] * BOARD_SIZE
board[index(*begin)] = Cell(0, None)
# A heap of moves to try
open = [Move(dist_heuristic(begin, end), begin)]
while open:
move = heapq.heappop(open)
if move.loc == end:
return move.dist
ix = index(*move.loc)
dist = board[ix].dist
for next_loc in knight_moves_gen(*move.loc):
push_location(open, board, dist + 1, next_loc, move.loc, end)
raise RuntimeError("Could not find move from {} to {}".format(begin, end))
def checkio(move_string):
Find a length of the shortest path of knight
begin, end = move_string.split('-')
begin = chess_coordinate(begin)
end = chess_coordinate(end)
return shortest_knight_move_dist(begin, end)
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert checkio("b1-d5") == 2, "First"
assert checkio("a6-b8") == 1, "Second"
assert checkio("h1-g2") == 4, "Third"
assert checkio("h8-d7") == 3, "Fourth"
assert checkio("a1-h8") == 6, "Fifth"
Determine the most efficient knight's path.
import collections
import heapq
import itertools
import re
RE_CHESS_COORD = re.compile('^([a-h])([1-8])$')
# The edge length of a chess board.
# The number of squares on a chess board.
# Store prev so we could reconstruct the path (even though it is not necessary)
Cell = collections.namedtuple('Cell', ['dist', 'prev'])
Move = collections.namedtuple('Move', ['dist', 'loc'])
def index(x, y):
"""The cell index into a chess board stored as an array."""
return x + BOARD_LEN * y
def chess_coordinate(loc):
Convert a chess location into cartesian coordinates.
Examples: a1 -> (0, 0)
c2 -> (2, 1)
h8 -> (7, 7)
m = RE_CHESS_COORD.match(loc)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Invalid chess location: {}".format(loc))
return (ord(m.group(1)) - ord('a'), ord(m.group(2)) - ord('1'))
def knight_moves_gen(x, y):
Iterator of possible knight moves from (x, y).
return itertools.chain(
itertools.product((x - 1, x + 1), (y + 2, y - 2)),
itertools.product((x - 2, x + 2), (y + 1, y - 1)))
def manhattan_distance(a, b):
"""Return the manhattan distance between coordinate tuples a and b."""
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1])
def dist_heuristic(a, b):
"""Return an admissable A* heuristic for knight move distance."""
# Must not overestimate the number of moves.
return manhattan_distance(a, b) / 4
def push_location(open, board, dist, loc, prev, goal):
Push a new location onto the open list.
open: The open list
board: The board so far
dist: The number of moves so far
loc: The current location
prev: The previous location
goal: The goal location
if 0 <= loc[0] < BOARD_LEN and 0 <= loc[1] < BOARD_LEN:
ix = index(*loc)
if board[ix] is None or board[ix].dist > dist:
board[ix] = Cell(dist, prev)
estimated_remaining = dist_heuristic(loc, goal)
heapq.heappush(open, Move(dist + estimated_remaining, loc))
def shortest_knight_move_dist(begin, end):
Return the shortest knight move length from begin to end.
# Use A*
board = [None] * BOARD_SIZE
board[index(*begin)] = Cell(0, None)
# A heap of moves to try
open = [Move(dist_heuristic(begin, end), begin)]
while open:
move = heapq.heappop(open)
if move.loc == end:
return move.dist
ix = index(*move.loc)
dist = board[ix].dist
for next_loc in knight_moves_gen(*move.loc):
push_location(open, board, dist + 1, next_loc, move.loc, end)
raise RuntimeError("Could not find move from {} to {}".format(begin, end))
def checkio(move_string):
Find a length of the shortest path of knight
begin, end = move_string.split('-')
begin = chess_coordinate(begin)
end = chess_coordinate(end)
return shortest_knight_move_dist(begin, end)
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert checkio("b1-d5") == 2, "First"
assert checkio("a6-b8") == 1, "Second"
assert checkio("h1-g2") == 4, "Third"
assert checkio("h8-d7") == 3, "Fourth"
assert checkio("a1-h8") == 6, "Fifth"
Dec. 9, 2012