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Speedy Dict solution in Speedy category for Roman Numerals by daustoe
Roman = {
1000 : 'M',
900 : 'CM',
500 : 'D',
400 : 'CD',
100 : 'C',
90 : 'XC',
50 : 'L',
40 : 'XL',
10 : 'X',
9 : 'IX',
5 : 'V',
4 : 'IV',
1 : 'I' }
def checkio(data):
result = ''
for each in Roman:
value = data // each # how many of that particular numeral
result += value * Roman[each] # grabbing those numerals
data %= each # data becomes remainder ex: 3999 % 1000 = 999
return result
Oct. 21, 2016