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First solution in Clear category for Roman Numerals by TheOne
('M', 1000),
('CM', 900),
('D', 500),
('CD', 400),
('C', 100),
('XC', 90),
('L', 50),
('XL', 40),
('X', 10),
('IX', 9),
('V', 5),
('IV', 4),
('I', 1)
def checkio(data):
res = ''
for roman, normal in ROMANS:
while data >= normal:
res += roman
data -= normal
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert checkio(6) == 'VI', '6'
assert checkio(76) == 'LXXVI', '76'
assert checkio(499) == 'CDXCIX', '499'
assert checkio(3888) == 'MMMDCCCLXXXVIII', '3888'
Oct. 14, 2015