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Using a small arabic to roman dictionary solution in Clear category for Roman Numerals by LuisLC
# migrated from python 2.7
def checkio(arabic):
"""This is best explained with an example.
Consider the number 76. The algorithm checks which is the biggest number
of the numbers that have special symbols in roman numerals
(arabic_to_roman_dict) and that can be subtracted to 76 without
returning a negative value. In this case, this number is 50.
So the first digit of roman numeral correspondent to 76 is 'L', which stands
for 50 in roman numerals.
We repeat the process for the result of the subtraction of 76 and 50,
that is, 26, and so on until we get 0 as a result of a subtraction, in which
case, we already have the complete roman numeral of 76."""
roman = ''
arabic_to_roman_dict = {
1000: 'M',
900: 'CM',
500: 'D',
400: 'CD',
100: 'C',
90: 'XC',
50: 'L',
40: 'XL',
10: 'X',
9: 'IX',
5: 'V',
4: 'IV',
1: 'I',
key_arabic_numbers = sorted(list(arabic_to_roman_dict.keys()), reverse=True)
while arabic != 0:
for number in key_arabic_numbers:
if arabic - number >= 0:
arabic -= number
roman += arabic_to_roman_dict[number]
return roman
Jan. 28, 2017