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First solution in Clear category for Robot Sort by kostya241
def swapsort(param):
param = list(param)
var = len(param) * (len(param) - 1) // 2
ls = []
while var:
for i in range(len(param) - 1):
left = param[i]
right = param[i+1]
if param[i] > param[i+1]:
param[i] = right
param[i + 1] = left
ls.append(str(i) + str(i+1))
var -= 1
return ','.join(ls)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
def check_solution(f, indata):
result = f(indata)
array = list(indata[:])
la = len(array)
if not isinstance(result, str):
print("The result should be a string")
return False
actions = result.split(",") if result else []
for act in actions:
if len(act) != 2 or not act.isdigit():
print("The wrong action: {}".format(act))
return False
i, j = int(act[0]), int(act[1])
if i >= la or j >= la:
print("Index error: {}".format(act))
return False
if abs(i - j) != 1:
print("The wrong action: {}".format(act))
return False
array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
if len(actions) > (la * (la - 1)) // 2:
print("Too many actions. BOOM!")
return False
if array != sorted(indata):
print("The array is not sorted. BOOM!")
return False
return True
assert check_solution(swapsort, (6, 4, 2)), "Reverse simple"
assert check_solution(swapsort, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), "All right!"
assert check_solution(swapsort, (1, 2, 3, 5, 3)), "One move"
Sept. 23, 2021