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First solution in Uncategorized category for Right to Left by Mahoter
def left_join(phrases):
Join strings and replace "right" to "left"
phrases = list(phrases)
for wrd in phrases:
while (y-1) <= len(wrd):
if wrd[x:y] == "right":
wrd = wrd[0:x]+"left"+wrd[y:len(wrd)]
phrases[wrdnum] = wrd
x +=1
y +=1
wrdnum += 1
res = phrases[0]
for a in range(len(phrases)-1):
res = res+","+phrases[a+1]
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert left_join(("left", "right", "left", "stop")) == "left,left,left,stop", "All to left"
assert left_join(("bright aright", "ok")) == "bleft aleft,ok", "Bright Left"
assert left_join(("brightness wright",)) == "bleftness wleft", "One phrase"
assert left_join(("enough", "jokes")) == "enough,jokes", "Nothing to replace"
Jan. 17, 2016