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First solution in Clear category for Morse Encoder by Sim0000
D = {
'a':'.-', 'b':'-...', 'c':'-.-.', 'd':'-..', 'e':'.',
'f':'..-.', 'g':'--.', 'h':'....', 'i':'..', 'j':'.---',
'k':'-.-', 'l':'.-..', 'm':'--', 'n':'-.', 'o':'---',
'p':'.--.', 'q':'--.-', 'r':'.-.', 's':'...', 't':'-',
'u':'..-', 'v':'...-', 'w':'.--', 'x':'-..-', 'y':'-.--', 'z':'--..',
'1':'.----', '2':'..---', '3':'...--', '4':'....-', '5':'.....',
'6':'-....', '7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.', '0':'-----',
def morse_encoder(text):
return ' '.join(D.get(c, ' ') for c in text.lower())
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(morse_encoder('some text'))
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert morse_encoder("some text") == "... --- -- . - . -..- -"
assert morse_encoder("2018") == "..--- ----- .---- ---.."
assert morse_encoder("It was a good day") == ".. - .-- .- ... .- --. --- --- -.. -.. .- -.--"
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")
March 23, 2018