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First solution in Clear category for Mind Switcher by Sim0000
def mind_switcher(jounal):
# swap and remove j from d if possible, restricted to i in N
def swap(i, j):
log.append({i, j})
d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i]
if d[j] == j: del d[j]
# make initial state
d = {}
for i, j in jounal:
d[i], d[j] = d.get(j, j), d.get(i, i)
# remove redundant member
for i in list(d.keys()):
if d[i] == i: del d[i]
N1, N2 = 'nikola', 'sophia'
d[N1], d[N2] = N = (N1, N2)
log = []
while len(d) > 2:
if d[N1] in N and d[N2] in N:
swap(N1, next(i for i in d.keys() if i not in N))
swap(N2, d[N1])
if d[N1] not in N: swap(N1, d[N1])
if d[N2] not in N: swap(N2, d[N2])
if d[N1] != N1: swap(N1, N2)
return tuple(log)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
def check_solution(func, data):
robots = {"nikola": "nikola", "sophia": "sophia"}
switched = []
for pair in data:
r1, r2 = pair
robots[r1], robots[r2] = robots.get(r2, r2), robots.get(r1, r1)
result = func(data)
if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)) or not all(isinstance(p, set) for p in result):
print("The result should be a list/tuple of sets.")
return False
for pair in result:
if len(pair) != 2:
print(1, "Each pair should contain exactly two names.")
return False
r1, r2 = pair
if not isinstance(r1, str) or not isinstance(r2, str):
print("Names must be strings.")
return False
if r1 not in robots.keys():
print("I don't know '{}'.".format(r1))
return False
if r2 not in robots.keys():
print("I don't know '{}'.".format(r2))
return False
if set(pair) in switched:
print("'{}' and '{}' already were switched.".format(r1, r2))
return False
robots[r1], robots[r2] = robots[r2], robots[r1]
for body, mind in robots.items():
if body != mind:
print("'{}' has '{}' mind.".format(body, mind))
return False
return True
assert check_solution(mind_switcher, ({"scout", "super"},))
assert check_solution(mind_switcher, ({'hater', 'scout'}, {'planer', 'hater'}))
assert check_solution(mind_switcher, ({'scout', 'driller'}, {'scout', 'lister'},
{'hater', 'digger'}, {'planer', 'lister'}, {'super', 'melter'}))
assert check_solution(mind_switcher, ({'drawer', 'melter'}, {'hater', 'hammer'}, {'hater', 'melter'}, {'planer', 'scout'}, {'driller', 'lister'}, {'drawer', 'digger'}))
July 23, 2014