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from my_heart import Ode_to_Python solution in Creative category for I Love Python! by jrebane
def i_love_python(you = False):
i_love_python(you = True) will work on other
compilers with access to the full set of core
Python libraries
this = True # testament of my feelings for Python is my
# submission for the final mission in CheckIO's Elementary
# Island. I hope you enjoy!
if you:
import this
# it's fun, you see
# To do cool things in Python 3
# Like
import antigravity # !
# Which opens up XKCD!
# Do you
love = this # language, friend?
def initely(to, no, end):
# So
try: # ing it is
import ant
except: # if you are anti-Zen
if this is love:
# and I'm not wrong
# Then I am meant
to = "love Python!"
will = "I "
ever = will + to # fawn
# O'er other code than van Rossum's?
return ever # back to me
# If you, my code were e'er to leave
# For how I love you
Inf = initely
I_am = Inf # ected by your beauty
# Please
return I_am('in', 'love', 'with thee!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert i_love_python() == "I love Python!"
June 4, 2015