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Why i love ascii =) solution in Clear category for House Password by ermichin158
def checkio(data):
if len(data) < 10:
return False;
issetNumber = False;
issetUpper = False;
issetLower = False;
for symbol in data:
num = ord(symbol);
if num > 47 and num < 58:
issetNumber = True;
elif num > 96 and num < 123:
issetLower = True;
issetUpper = True;
return issetNumber and issetUpper and issetLower
#Some hints
#Just check all conditions
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert checkio('A1213pokl') == False, "1st example"
assert checkio('bAse730onE4') == True, "2nd example"
assert checkio('asasasasasasasaas') == False, "3rd example"
assert checkio('QWERTYqwerty') == False, "4th example"
assert checkio('123456123456') == False, "5th example"
assert checkio('QwErTy911poqqqq') == True, "6th example"
Oct. 25, 2015