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not KISS solution in Uncategorized category for Funny Addition by Cjkjvfnby
Every time you write such code in production... God kills a kitten
Please, think of the kittens
from itertools import chain
from operator import mul
from functools import wraps
class AwesomeSumer(type('CheckioSumer', (object,), {'__init__': lambda self, data: setattr(self, 'data', data)})):
This awesome class can store data and do awesome work
def do_awesome(self):
The sum of two integer list via length of "z" string
return len(''.join(chain(*[mul(*item) for item in zip(self.data, ['z'] * 2)])))
def magic_wrapper(funct):
def foo(data):
awesome_instance = funct(data)
return awesome_instance.do_awesome()
return foo
def checkio(data):
""" magic around this """
return AwesomeSumer(data)
Nov. 13, 2013