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34-liner: Familiy gifts solution in Clear category for Family Gifts by przemyslaw.daniel
def init_pairs(family, couples):
c = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in couples]+[(x[1], x[0]) for x in couples]
return [x for x in __import__('itertools').permutations(family, 2)
if x not in c]
def is_valid(last_chain, chains, best):
flatten = [x for y in last_chain for x in y]
unique = list(set(flatten))
ret = all([flatten.count(x) <= 2 for x in unique])
return ret and not len(chains) < len(best)-1
def find_chains(family, couples):
family = sorted(list(family))
couples = [list(x) for x in couples]
pairs = init_pairs(family, couples)
stack, best = [([], [], pairs)], []
while stack:
chains, last_chain, pairs = stack.pop()
if not last_chain:
best = chains if len(best) < len(chains) else best
if pairs:
stack += [(chains, [pairs[0]], pairs[1:])]
first, last = last_chain[0][0], last_chain[-1][1]
if len(last_chain) == len(family) and first == last:
stack += [(chains+[last_chain], [], pairs)]
for i in [x for x in pairs if last in x[0]]:
if is_valid(last_chain+[i], chains, best):
remove = [x for x in pairs if x != i]
stack += [(chains, last_chain+[i], remove)]
return [[x[0] for x in y] for y in best]
Feb. 9, 2017