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1001011 solution in Clear category for Dialogues by sinclair2k
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
VOWELS = "aeiou"
class Member(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.chat = None
def setchat(self, chat):
self.chat = chat
def send(self, message):
self.chat.recieve(self, message)
def encode(message):
class Chat:
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
def connect_human(self, member):
def connect_robot(self, member):
def recieve(self, sender, message):
self.messages.append((sender.name, message))
def show_dialogue(self, encoder):
return '\n'.join([f'{name} said: {encoder(message)}' for name, message in self.messages])
def show_robot_dialogue(self):
return self.show_dialogue(Robot.encode)
def show_human_dialogue(self):
return self.show_dialogue(Human.encode)
class Human(Member):
def encode(message):
return message
class Robot(Member):
def encode(message):
return ''.join(['0' if c in VOWELS else '1' for c in message])
if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
chat = Chat()
karl = Human("Karl")
bot = Robot("R2D2")
karl.send("Hi! What's new?")
bot.send("Hello, human. Could we speak later about it?")
assert chat.show_human_dialogue() == """Karl said: Hi! What's new?
R2D2 said: Hello, human. Could we speak later about it?"""
assert chat.show_robot_dialogue() == """Karl said: 101111011111011
R2D2 said: 10110111010111100111101110011101011010011011"""
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")
July 31, 2018