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Backtracking, filling the most constrained words first solution in Clear category for Crossword Solver by Rcp8jzd
from typing import List, Tuple
import re
class CrosswordSolver:
""" A class for solving a crosswords grid """
def __init__(self, crossword, words):
self.grid = [list(row) for row in crossword]
self.height = len(self.grid)
self.width = len(self.grid[0])
self.dictionary = words
self.used_words = set()
def find_empty(self) -> None or Tuple[str, tuple, tuple]:
Find an empty or partially filled word in the given crossword. If
several words are partially filled, choose the one which has more
constrained letters.
:return: empty or partially filled word, start and end of the word
empties = set()
for i, row in enumerate(self.grid):
if '.' in row:
j = row.index('.')
for dx in (-1, 1):
# Is the word vertical?
if 0 <= i + dx < self.height and self.grid[i + dx][j] != \
line = ''.join(self.grid[k][j] for k in range(
start = (line.rfind('X', 0, i) + 1, j)
end = (self.height if line.find('X', i) == -1
else line.find('X', i), j + 1)
empties.add((line[start[0]:end[0]], start, end))
for dy in (-1, 1):
# Is the word horizontal?
if 0 <= j + dy < self.width and self.grid[i][j + dy] != \
line = ''.join(row)
start = (i, line.rfind('X', 0, j) + 1)
end = (i + 1, self.width if line.find('X', j) == -1
else line.find('X', j))
empties.add((line[start[1]:end[1]], start, end))
if not empties:
return None
return max(empties, key=lambda empty: len(empty[0]) - empty[
def find_possible(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]:
Find all words that match the given pattern
find_possible('s...c.') -> ['search', 'source', 'speech', 'switch']
:param pattern: A partially filled word, where '.' represents unknown
:return: All words in the dictionary that fully match the given pattern
return [re.fullmatch(pattern, word).group(0)
for word in self.dictionary if re.fullmatch(pattern, word)
and word not in self.used_words]
def insert_word(self, word, start, end):
""" Insert a word in the grid at the given coordinates """
k = 0
for i in range(start[0], end[0]):
for j in range(start[1], end[1]):
self.grid[i][j] = word[k]
k += 1
def solve(self) -> bool:
""" Main program recursively called until the grid is finished """
find = self.find_empty()
# We finished the crossword!
if find is None:
return True
pattern, start, end = find
possible_words = self.find_possible(pattern)
# Pick a word out of the possible words
for word in possible_words:
# Insert the word in the grid
self.insert_word(word, start, end)
# And see if we can find a solution with this supposition
if self.solve():
return True
# Undo the word insertion if we can't find a solution
self.insert_word(pattern, start, end)
return False
def tolist(self):
""" Format the solution so that it is understood by the checker """
return [''.join(row) for row in self.grid]
def solver(crossword, words):
cs = CrosswordSolver(crossword, words)
return cs.tolist()
May 9, 2020