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One liner solution in Clear category for Correct Sentence by CDG.Axel
def correct_sentence(text: str) -> str:
returns a corrected sentence which starts with a capital letter
and ends with a dot.
# your code here
return text[0:1].upper() + text[1:] + ('' if text[-1:] == '.' else '.')
# you may use text[-1] instead of text[-1:]
# and text[0] instead of text[0:1]
# but it throw an exception if text is empty
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(correct_sentence("greetings, friends"))
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing
assert correct_sentence("greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("Greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("Greetings, friends.") == "Greetings, friends."
assert correct_sentence("hi") == "Hi."
assert correct_sentence("welcome to New York") == "Welcome to New York."
assert correct_sentence("") == "."
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")
Aug. 28, 2021