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First solution in Clear category for Cookies by mikaeldovbnia
def get_cookie(cookie, name):
s = cookie.find(name)
g = cookie[s:]
f = g[len(name) + 1:]
if f.count(';') != 0:
return f[:f.index(';')]
return f
if __name__ == "__main__":
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert get_cookie('theme=light; sessionToken=abc123', 'theme') == 'light', 'theme=light'
assert get_cookie('_ga=GA1.2.447610749.1465220820; _gat=1; ffo=true', 'ffo') == 'true', 'ffo=true'
print("Looks like you know everything. It is time for 'Check'!")
April 21, 2022