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First solution in Clear category for Convert and Aggregate by prizhimin
def conv_aggr(data: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> dict[str, int]:
d = {}
for i in data:
if i[0] != "":
d[i[0]] += i[1]
except KeyError:
d[i[0]] = i[1]
if d[i[0]] == 0:
del d[i[0]]
return d
print(conv_aggr([("a", 7), ("b", 8), ("a", 10)]))
assert conv_aggr([("a", 7), ("b", 8), ("a", 10)]) == {"a": 17, "b": 8}
assert conv_aggr([]) == {}
assert conv_aggr([("a", 5), ("a", -5)]) == {}
assert conv_aggr([("a", 5), ("a", 5), ("a", 0)]) == {"a": 10}
assert conv_aggr([("a", 5), ("", 15)]) == {"a": 5}
print("The mission is done! Click 'Check Solution' to earn rewards!")
Sept. 12, 2022