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Too many re (with comments and prints) solution in Creative category for Calculator-II by H0r4c3
import re
def strip_zeros_from_digits(log):
log_split = re.split(r'(\D)', log) # split after non-numeric chars
log_split_strip = [item.lstrip('0') for item in log_split]
new_log = ''.join(log_split_strip)
print(f'new_log after strip_zeros_from_digits = {new_log}')
return new_log
def replace_operation_with_result(log):
# assert calculator('3+2==') == '7'
operation2 = re.search('^\d+[+\-*/]\d+={2}', log)
print(f'operation2 found in log = {operation2}')
if operation2:
operation2 = operation2.group()
print(f'operation2 = {operation2}')
oper = re.search('[+\-*/]', operation2).group()
second_d = re.findall('\d+', operation2)[1]
print(f'oper = {oper}')
print(f'second_d = {second_d}')
result = operation2[:-2] + str(oper) + str(second_d)
result = str(eval(result))
print(f'result for replacing operation = {result}')
new_log = log.replace(operation2, result)
print(f'new_log after replace_operation_with_result = {new_log}')
return new_log
# 5+6=1
operation3 = re.search('^\d+[+\-*/]\d+=\d+', log)
print(f'operation3 found in log = {operation3}')
if operation3:
operation3 = operation3.group()
print(f'operation3 = {operation3}')
third_d = re.search('=\d+', operation3).group()
print(f'third_d = {third_d}')
new_log = log.replace(operation3, third_d[1:])
return new_log
# 5+6=
operation1 = re.search('^\d+[+\-*/]\d+=', log)
print(f'operation1 found in log = {operation1}')
if operation1:
operation1 = operation1.group()
result = str(eval(operation1[:-1]))
print(f'result for replacing operation = {result}')
new_log = log.replace(operation1, result)
print(f'new_log after replace_operation_with_result = {new_log}')
return new_log
return log
def calculator(log: str) -> str:
log = strip_zeros_from_digits(log)
if log.isnumeric():
return log
# assert calculator("3+2==") == "7"
# assert calculator("4-1==") == "2"
log = replace_operation_with_result(log)
if log.isnumeric():
return log
e = log.rfind('=') # index of last '='
p = log.rfind('+') # index of last '+'
m = log.rfind('-') # index of last '-'
last = max(e, p, m)
last_op = max(p, m)
chars_between_numbers = re.findall(r'(?<=\d)[^\d]+(?=\d)', log)
#print(f'chars_between_numbers = {chars_between_numbers}')
numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', log)
#print(f'numbers = {numbers}')
numbers_with_signs = re.findall(r'[+-]?\d+', log)
#print(f'numbers_with_signs = {numbers_with_signs}')
idx_of_equal = log.find('=') # first index of = sign
if log.count('=') > 1 and (e-idx_of_equal != 1):
return calculator(log[idx_of_equal+1 : ])
# assert calculator("000000") == "0"
if (not log.isnumeric() and len(log) == 1) or log.count('0') == len(log):
print(f'0. Result = 0')
return '0'
# assert calculator("3+=") == "6"
# +=" or "-=" - adding/subtracting the number (or operations result) before the combination (doubling the number/subtracting itself).
elif log[-1] == '=' and log[-2] == '+':
print(f'1. Result = {str(int(log[:-2]) + int(log[:-2]))}')
return str(int(log[:-2]) + int(log[:-2]))
#assert calculator('78-=') == '0'
# +=" or "-=" - adding/subtracting the number (or operations result) before the combination (doubling the number/subtracting itself).
elif log[-1] == '=' and log[-2] == '-':
print(f'1b. Result = {"0"}')
return "0"
# assert calculator("-=-+3-++--+-2=-") == "1"
# assert calculator('+-=12=') == '12'
# assert calculator('2+3=7+7=') == '14'
if log[-1] == '+' or log[-1] == '-' or log[-1] == '=':
numbers_with_signs = ''.join(numbers_with_signs)
print(f'3a. Result = {str(eval(numbers_with_signs))}')
return str(eval(numbers_with_signs))
# assert calculator("+12") == "12"
elif (log.startswith('+') or log.startswith('-')) and log[1:].isnumeric():
print(f'4a. New log = {log[1:]}')
return calculator(log[1:])
# assert calculator("1+2") == "2"
elif (last == p or last == m) and last != len(log)-1:
print(f'4b. New log = {log[last+1:]}')
return calculator(log[last+1:])
#assert calculator("1+2=2") == "2"
elif last == e and log[e+1:].isnumeric():
print(f'5. Result = {log[e+1:]}')
return log[e+1:]
# assert calculator('2+3=+7=') == '12'
elif re.search('^\d+[+\-*/]\d+=', log):
operation = re.search('^\d+[+\-*/]\d+=')
log = re.sub(operation, eval(operation), log)
print(f'new log = {log}')
return calculator(log)
return ""
# These "asserts" are used for self-checking
assert calculator("3+=") == "6"
assert calculator("3+2==") == "7"
assert calculator("4-1==") == "2"
assert calculator("3+-2=") == "1"
assert calculator("-=-+3-++--+-2=-") == "1"
assert calculator("000000") == "0"
assert calculator("0000123") == "123"
assert calculator("12") == "12"
assert calculator("+12") == "12"
assert calculator("") == "0"
assert calculator("1+2") == "2"
assert calculator("2+") == "2"
assert calculator("1+2=") == "3"
assert calculator("1+2-") == "3"
assert calculator("1+2=2") == "2"
assert calculator("=5=10=15") == "15"
print("The mission is done! Click 'Check Solution' to earn rewards!")
May 6, 2023