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Skinny and Fatty solution in Clear category for Black Holes by Pouf
from itertools import combinations
from math import pi, acos, hypot
def dist(a, b):
return hypot(a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1])
def area(r):
return pi*r**2
def checkio(data):
blackHoles = [list(bh) for bh in data]
while 1:
for bh in sorted(combinations(blackHoles, 2), key=lambda c: dist(*c)):
d = dist(*bh)
skinny, fatty = sorted(bh, key=lambda B: B[2])
r, R = skinny[2], fatty[2]
s1, s2 = map(area, [r, R])
if d+r < R:
# skinny is inside fatty
i = s1
elif d < R+r < R+R:
# the blackholes intersect
i = r**2*acos((d**2+r**2-R**2)/2/d/r) + \
R**2*acos((d**2-r**2+R**2)/2/d/R) - \
# no intersection
i = 0
if i/s1 >= .55 and s2/s1 >= 1.2:
fatty[2] = ((s2+s1)/pi)**.5
return blackHoles
Oct. 19, 2015