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First solution in Clear category for Bats Bunker by 1-more
# migrated from python 2.7
def checkio(bunker):
bets, walls, alpha = [], [], None
def is_visible(a, b):
ax,ay= min(a,b)
bx,by= max(a,b)
walls_between= [(wx,wy) for wx,wy in walls
if ax<=wx<=bx and min(ay,by)<=wy<=max(ay,by)]
if ax==bx or ay==by: return len(walls_between)==0
f= lambda x: (by-ay)*(x-ax)/(bx-ax) + ay
for wx,wy in walls_between:
if ((wy-0.5 <= f(wx+0.5) and f(wx-0.5) <= wy+0.5) or
(wy+0.5 >= f(wx+0.5) and f(wx-0.5) >= wy-0.5)): return False
return True
# Fill bets, walls and alpha from bunker
for i,row in enumerate(bunker):
for j,cell in enumerate(row):
if cell=='-': continue
pos= (i,j)
if cell=='W':
if cell=='A': alpha= pos
# Calculations
stack= [(0,0)]
time= {(0,0):0}
visited= set()
while stack:
bet= stack.pop(0)
betx,bety= bet
for b in [x for x in bets if x not in visited and is_visible(bet, x)]:
bx,by= b
time[b]= min(
time.get(b, float('inf')),
if b!=alpha: stack.append(b)
return time.get(alpha, float('inf'))
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
def almost_equal(checked, correct, significant_digits=2):
precision = 0.1 ** significant_digits
return correct - precision < checked < correct + precision
assert almost_equal(checkio([
"--A"]), 2.83), "1st example"
assert almost_equal(checkio([
"-BA"]), 4), "2nd example"
assert almost_equal(checkio([
"B-BWAB"]), 12), "3rd example"
assert almost_equal(checkio([
"B-BWB-"]), 9.24), "4th example"
Jan. 27, 2015