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Third solution in Clear category for Anagrams By Stacks by Sim0000
from collections import deque
def checkio(data):
start, goal = data.split('-')
seen = set()
q = deque([(('', start, ''), [])])
while q:
s, trace = q.popleft()
if s[2] == goal: return ','.join(trace)
if s in seen: continue
for action in ("12", "10", "01", "02", "20", "21"):
p1, p2 = int(action[0]), int(action[1])
if not s[p1] or (p2 == 0 and s[0]): continue
t = list(s)
t[p2] += t[p1][-1]
t[p1] = t[p1][:-1]
q.append((tuple(t), trace + [action]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
#This part is using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
GOOD_ACTIONS = ("12", "10", "01", "02", "20", "21")
def check_solution(func, anagrams, min_length):
start, end = anagrams.split("-")
stacks = [[], list(start), []]
user_result = func(anagrams)
actions = user_result.split(",")
user_actions = []
for act in actions:
if act not in GOOD_ACTIONS:
print("Wrong action")
return False
from_s = int(act[0])
to_s = int(act[1])
if not stacks[from_s]:
print("You can not get from an empty stack")
return False
if to_s == 0 and stacks[to_s]:
print("You can not push in the full buffer")
return False
res_word = ''.join(stacks[2])
if len(actions) > min_length:
print("It can be shorter.")
return False
if res_word == end:
return True
print("The result anagram is wrong.")
return False
assert check_solution(checkio, "rice-cire", 5), "rice-cire"
assert check_solution(checkio, "tort-trot", 4), "tort-trot"
assert check_solution(checkio, "hello-holle", 14), "hello-holle"
assert check_solution(checkio, "anagram-mragana", 8), "anagram-mragana"
assert check_solution(checkio, "mirror-mirorr", 25), "mirror-mirorr"
Jan. 13, 2017