Mission: https://py.checkio.org/ru/mission/humpty-dumpty/
I added formula from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spheroid
It counts not correct surface and in oblate shows this error:
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
How to resolve it?
Thank you a lot.
from math import pi, asin, atan
def checkio(h, w):
if h > w: # prolate
e = (1 - (w ** 2 / h ** 2)) ** 0.5
s = 2 * pi * w ** 2 * (1 + (h / (w * e))) * asin(e)
else: # oblate
e = (1 - (h ** 2 / w ** 2)) ** 0.5
s = 2 * pi * w ** 2 * (1 + ((1 - e ** 2) / e) * atan(e))
return [round(pi / 6 * 2 * w * h, 2), round(s, 2)]
print(checkio(4, 2)) # == [8.38, 21.48]
print(checkio(2, 2)) # == [4.19, 12.57]
print(checkio(2, 4)) # == [16.76, 34.69]
Created at: 2021/10/06 08:52; Updated at: 2021/10/06 10:10
The question is resolved.