Solutions Index
Hello CheckiO users! 😉
In our last post we’ve talked about how you can explore Python and all other useful things you can do with the new feature – Solution Search.
Since then, we’ve received a lot of positive feedbacks 😍, which we are very thankful for, especially the bug reports. Your support helps us to become even better! We’ve updated the search, added the missing functions, classes and exceptions.
At this point, you can experience the new version of the solution search feature. But it’s still in the beta testing mode, so you are welcome and encouraged to continue sending us your feedbacks.
Apart from that, there is a very cool thing that we want you to have 💡. It’s a list of indexed functions, modules and classes, which you can find below. And the cool part is that you can click on any item you want and see where, how and how often it has been used on CheckiO. If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what is 😎.
- len - 155556
- True - 67179
- False - 59167
- sorted - 37700
- max - 30284
- sum - 29989
- print - 20684
- min - 20012
- abs - 19823
- None - 16859
- ord - 10782
- bin - 9587
- round - 9572
- format - 8597
- chr - 6668
- all - 6220
- any - 6013
- ValueError - 5352
- IndexError - 3535
- isinstance - 2499
- next - 2489
- eval - 1752
- divmod - 1669
- pow - 1631
- iter - 1554
- dir - 549
- KeyError - 468
- __import__ - 444
- TypeError - 405
- getattr - 378
- hasattr - 338
- input - 314
- Exception - 272
- StopIteration - 272
- id - 246
- repr - 242
- ZeroDivisionError - 207
- hash - 176
- open - 162
- globals - 107
- ascii - 99
- vars - 91
- locals - 87
- hex - 84
- exec - 84
- AttributeError - 80
- setattr - 78
- AssertionError - 46
- compile - 45
- Ellipsis - 41
- ImportError - 35
- __doc__ - 21
- UnboundLocalError - 19
- callable - 18
- SyntaxError - 17
- NameError - 17
- issubclass - 16
- BaseException - 12
- UnicodeEncodeError - 11
- OverflowError - 9
- oct - 8
- RecursionError - 7
- UnicodeDecodeError - 6
- delattr - 5
- RuntimeError - 5
- LookupError - 4
- EOFError - 3
- ArithmeticError - 2
- MemoryError - 1
- TabError - 1
- GeneratorExit - 1
- RuntimeWarning - 1
- IOError - 1
- OSError - 1
- abc - 133
- array - 13
- ast - 18
- binascii - 2
- bisect - 55
- bs4 - 1
- calendar - 199
- cmath - 66
- collections - 6396
- collections.Counter - 3140
- collections.defaultdict - 1482
- collections.deque - 1162
- collections.OrderedDict - 286
- collections.namedtuple - 258
- collections.Iterable - 43
- collections.UserList - 12
- collections.ChainMap - 5
- collections.UserDict - 3
- collections.Sequence - 2
- collections.Generator - 2
- collections.Iterator - 1
- collections.abc - 37
- contextlib - 33
- copy - 494
- ctypes - 1
- dataclasses - 67
- datetime - 5740
- datetime.date - 2971
- datetime.timedelta - 1235
- datetime.strptime - 826
- datetime.datetime - 555
- datetime.strftime - 69
- datetime.time - 30
- datetime.weekday - 9
- datetime.combine - 8
- datetime.now - 7
- datetime.today - 7
- datetime.isoweekday - 6
- datetime.fromtimestamp - 4
- datetime.toordinal - 3
- datetime.min - 3
- datetime.fromisoformat - 2
- datetime.tzinfo - 2
- datetime.timestamp - 1
- datetime.timezone - 1
- datetime.fromordinal - 1
- decimal - 160
- difflib - 22
- enum - 28
- fractions - 889
- functools - 3606
- hashlib - 52
- heapq - 470
- io - 3
- ipaddress - 9
- itertools - 5481
- itertools.product - 1089
- itertools.combinations - 1063
- itertools.chain - 762
- itertools.groupby - 641
- itertools.permutations - 633
- itertools.zip_longest - 296
- itertools.cycle - 180
- itertools.count - 146
- itertools.starmap - 118
- itertools.combinations_with_replacement - 105
- itertools.takewhile - 101
- itertools.accumulate - 86
- itertools.islice - 83
- itertools.repeat - 53
- itertools.dropwhile - 42
- itertools.compress - 35
- itertools.tee - 31
- itertools.filterfalse - 17
- math - 7700
- math.sqrt - 1400
- math.acos - 1149
- math.pi - 1109
- math.degrees - 807
- math.ceil - 678
- math.asin - 332
- math.floor - 329
- math.hypot - 249
- math.log - 226
- math.sin - 215
- math.atanh - 202
- math.cos - 153
- math.factorial - 149
- math.pow - 131
- math.gcd - 112
- math.fabs - 85
- math.radians - 81
- math.atan2 - 62
- math.inf - 37
- math.trunc - 34
- math.e - 33
- math.exp - 20
- math.log10 - 17
- math.tan - 16
- math.copysign - 14
- math.atan - 10
- math.dist - 8
- math.modf - 7
- math.prod - 5
- math.log2 - 5
- math.fmod - 4
- math.isclose - 3
- math.asinh - 3
- math.isnan - 3
- math.fsum - 3
- math.isqrt - 2
- math.tau - 2
- math.comb - 1
- math.nan - 1
- math.gamma - 1
- math.isinf - 1
- math.log1p - 1
- multiprocessing - 2
- multiprocessing.sharedctypes - 2
- numbers - 4
- numpy - 225
- numpy.array - 47
- numpy.rot90 - 26
- numpy.median - 21
- numpy.prod - 10
- numpy.ones - 8
- numpy.matrix - 7
- numpy.zeros - 7
- numpy.pi - 6
- numpy.unique - 5
- numpy.arccos - 5
- numpy.fliplr - 4
- numpy.allclose - 3
- numpy.argwhere - 3
- numpy.linalg - 3
- numpy.amax - 3
- numpy.vstack - 3
- numpy.ceil - 3
- numpy.argmax - 3
- numpy.inner - 3
- numpy.convolve - 2
- numpy.hypot - 2
- numpy.ogrid - 2
- numpy.diagonal - 2
- numpy.binary_repr - 2
- numpy.array_equal - 2
- numpy.arcsin - 2
- numpy.arctanh - 2
- numpy.extract - 2
- numpy.abs - 2
- numpy.sqrt - 2
- numpy.cross - 2
- numpy.NaN - 2
- numpy.arctan2 - 2
- numpy.count_nonzero - 2
- numpy.where - 2
- numpy.argmin - 1
- numpy.product - 1
- numpy.shape - 1
- numpy.std - 1
- numpy.real - 1
- numpy.sum - 1
- numpy.less - 1
- numpy.fmax - 1
- numpy.concatenate - 1
- numpy.random - 1
- numpy.reshape - 1
- numpy.dot - 1
- numpy.flipud - 1
- numpy.angle - 1
- numpy.sign - 1
- numpy.linspace - 1
- numpy.asarray - 1
- numpy.transpose - 1
- numpy.isinf - 1
- numpy.hsplit - 1
- numpy.subtract - 1
- numpy.log - 1
- numpy.round - 1
- numpy.core.numeric - 1
- numpy.fft - 4
- numpy.linalg - 23
- numpy.ma.core - 1
- numpy.polynomial - 2
- numpy.polynomial.polynomial - 9
- numpy.random - 1
- operator - 1658
- operator.itemgetter - 496
- operator.mul - 398
- operator.add - 151
- operator.sub - 98
- operator.or_ - 92
- operator.xor - 76
- operator.and_ - 67
- operator.eq - 52
- operator.lt - 42
- operator.gt - 41
- operator.truediv - 28
- operator.methodcaller - 25
- operator.attrgetter - 15
- operator.ne - 10
- operator.ge - 8
- operator.le - 7
- operator.truth - 6
- operator.getitem - 6
- operator.contains - 5
- operator.abs - 4
- operator.neg - 4
- operator.concat - 4
- operator.not_ - 3
- operator.mod - 2
- operator.imul - 2
- operator.indexOf - 2
- operator.iand - 2
- operator.lshift - 1
- operator.rshift - 1
- operator.isub - 1
- operator.pos - 1
- operator.floordiv - 1
- operator.ixor - 1
- operator.ior - 1
- operator.inv - 1
- operator.setitem - 1
- operator.div - 1
- operator.is_ - 1
- operator.is_not - 1
- pandas - 4
- pandas.core.common - 1
- pprint - 23
- queue - 1
- random - 299
- re - 739
- scipy - 27
- scipy.interpolate - 1
- scipy.linalg - 2
- scipy.ndimage - 40
- scipy.ndimage.filters - 1
- scipy.ndimage.measurements - 4
- scipy.ndimage.morphology - 1
- scipy.optimize - 13
- scipy.signal - 5
- scipy.sparse - 18
- scipy.sparse.csgraph - 32
- scipy.spatial - 10
- scipy.spatial.distance - 8
- scipy.special - 25
- scipy.stats - 4
- statistics - 148
- stats - 1
- string - 1624
- string.ascii_lowercase - 682
- string.digits - 273
- string.ascii_uppercase - 269
- string.punctuation - 180
- string.ascii_letters - 88
- string.uppercase - 30
- string.whitespace - 25
- string.lowercase - 25
- string.maketrans - 23
- string.lower - 7
- string.letters - 7
- string.Template - 3
- string.printable - 2
- string.capwords - 2
- string.upper - 2
- string.count - 1
- string.split - 1
- string.strip - 1
- string.atoi - 1
- string.find - 1
- string.octdigits - 1
- struct - 3
- sympy - 104
- sympy.symbols - 12
- sympy.solve - 11
- sympy.Polygon - 9
- sympy.Point - 9
- sympy.Matrix - 6
- sympy.sympify - 5
- sympy.Segment - 4
- sympy.Symbol - 4
- sympy.expand - 3
- sympy.linsolve - 3
- sympy.solve_linear_system - 3
- sympy.Interval - 2
- sympy.Union - 2
- sympy.Circle - 2
- sympy.divisors - 2
- sympy.Line - 2
- sympy.Ray - 2
- sympy.nsolve - 2
- sympy.Poly - 2
- sympy.Rational - 2
- sympy.lambdify - 1
- sympy.exp - 1
- sympy.log - 1
- sympy.N - 1
- sympy.fraction - 1
- sympy.pi - 1
- sympy.Eq - 1
- sympy.solveset - 1
- sympy.sieve - 1
- sympy.simplify - 1
- sympy.binomial - 1
- sympy.factorint - 1
- sympy.prime - 1
- sympy.acos - 1
- sympy.sqrt - 1
- sympy.Ray2D - 1
- sympy.Segment2D - 1
- sympy.abc - 16
- sympy.combinatorics.permutations - 2
- sympy.core.symbol - 1
- sympy.geometry - 37
- sympy.geometry.polygon - 3
- sympy.geometry.util - 1
- sympy.matrices - 1
- sympy.ntheory - 2
- sympy.parsing.sympy_parser - 1
- sympy.polys.polyerrors - 1
- sympy.polys.polytools - 1
- sympy.solvers - 3
- sympy.solvers.solveset - 1
- sympy.utilities.iterables - 1
- textwrap - 48
- time - 104
- twilio.rest - 9
- types - 15
- typing - 12581
- typing.List - 5918
- typing.Iterable - 2865
- typing.Any - 2521
- typing.Tuple - 861
- typing.Set - 131
- typing.Dict - 77
- typing.Union - 70
- typing.Type - 30
- typing.Optional - 25
- typing.Callable - 19
- typing.Iterator - 15
- typing.Sequence - 13
- typing.FrozenSet - 8
- typing.NamedTuple - 7
- typing.Generator - 6
- typing.TypeVar - 3
- typing.Mapping - 3
- typing.Generic - 2
- typing.Container - 1
- typing.NewType - 1
- typing.AnyStr - 1
- typing.MutableSequence - 1
- typing.Hashable - 1
- typing.cast - 1
- typing.NoReturn - 1
- unicodedata - 103
- unittest - 1
- urllib.request - 1
- weakref - 2
Please, take full advantage of this info and do not hesitate to take part in our improvement process.
Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.
The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.
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